


Sacred Spaces, Bio and Contact Information

For further information regarding Reverend Doctor Toni Petrinovich, her Meta yoU courses or to

contact her, visit her Sacred Spaces website.








Sacred Spaces, Sar'h Publishing House, Meta yoU School of Mastery, Heartstorm courses and Reverend Doctor Toni Petrinovich (Toni Elizabeth Sar'h) provide this material for your information. It is not intended to substitute for professional counseling and/or the advice of your primary health care provider.   We encourage you to follow the directions and advice of your professional counselor and/or primary health care provider. Reverend Toni Petrinovich is not a counselor or a coach and the relationship between Reverend Toni Petrinovich and her students is of teacher/educator and student only. The mention of any product, service, or therapy is not an endorsement by Sacred Spaces, Sar'h Publishing House, Heartstorm courses, Meta yoU School of Mastery or Reverend Doctor Toni Petrinovich (Toni Elizabeth Sar'h).